Ah... so imaginatively titled

Main Page

(c) Kagami 1999

I'm assuming that since you're here, in this section, you're actually interested in finding out more about me. That would (of course) be the brilliant person who wrote all those awesome fics, the absolutely amazing technocrat who created this fantastic webpage, and/or the delusional loon who thinks Mulder and Scully are real people.

etc. and etc.

You must be in the right place then. This is basically where you'll find the more personal aspect of this site. There's...


Stuff About Me
including my own personal rating of Season Six...
A shipper's list, personal, and not meant to offend! (updated 7 August '99)








And if that's not enough of me to make you utterly sick and nauseated, there's also the handy feedback function. You can tell me how wonderful, demented or pathetically sad I am in so many exciting ways!

Let's see. There's:

(a) the guestbook option, which I personally think is lots of fun to fill out. Leave your mark on my page, why don't you? I promise I won't edit your entry... too much. ;)

You could also (b) fill out my feedback form, which is efficiently delivered right into my own mailbox, and always manages to make me go all warm and fuzzy inside.

And of course, there's (c) the classic replying-to-insane-Webmaster through Insane Webmaster's e-mail option. Let you in on a secret... you can have fun with this, because Freeservers is so cool about it. Type anything_you_want@shawnex.freeservers.com, and the mail will get to me. I swear. If you don't believe it's true, try it out, and I'll reply to you right away.*

I don't get why you're still here. Isn't my yakking enough to make you give up on finding out about me? Guess not. Well, if it is, here are convenient links to the real meat of this site, the fanfic pages.

The Fanfic || Series || Longer Stories

Stand Alones || Post-episode || Works In Progress


Last Updated: November 3, 1999, Wednesday, 7.52 p.m.


Contact me


* This does not apply if I am not within one day of an e-mail facility. I can't promise to be at my computer every hour of the day, much as I would like to be.